F.K. Machinery is an industrial distributor that services the manufacturing sector in central Ontario. Clients range from mining and aerospace to the food & beverage industry with our largest sector being automotive manufacturing. As an industrial distributor F.K. Machinery sells all sorts of maintenance and production supplies including assembly tools and precision measuring tools. One consistent headache that we encountered was the servicing of these tools. When dealing with manufacturers turnaround times were longer than our clients would like. So we took this task upon ourselves. We created a repair shop where we serviced a wide variety of pneumatic sanders and buffers. Our original (and still our main production torque tools line) Tohnichi became the next driver of our repair shop. In a production environment with hundreds of torque tools being used on line quick service was demanded. We repaired and tested thousands of tools. Over the years this repair shop expanded to include welding band saw blades. Many of the automotive assembly clients were using cordless tools which became a staple in our repair shop.
An increasing emphasis on quality and the introduction of the ISO 17025 laboratory standard changed the way many of our clients looked at calibration. We chose to meet these client demands by creating Accu-Calibration Services Inc. We took the calibrations and the repair of any of the precision measuring tools and folded that business into a new company. Accu-Calibration is the end result of these initiatives.